Gear Reducer Repair
Commercial businesses and enterprises rely upon heavy-duty motors and drives to be able to power their essential equipment, and gear reducers are an important component of these connected systems. But if there’s a problem with your gear reducer, then your machinery won’t be able to do its job properly. AES has a complete machine shop for repairing gear reducers and other essentials; we can take care of you!
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Get started with our simple, proven AES Repair Process
Once we have received your item for repair, we will receive the item in our system.
1Our quoting specialists will evaluate your item and determine the parts and labor necessary to complete the repair.
2Following your approval, we will get to work on your repair. One of our repair technicians will troubleshoot the problem(s) with the item.
3To ensure the highest level of quality throughout the repair process, we comply with ISO 9001:2015 Certified QMS standards, and an ESD program.
4Once the repair is complete, we safely package your item and prepare the item for delivery or shipment.
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What’s a Gear Reducer, and How Does It Work?
Gearboxes are found in pretty much every vehicle on the road, and they’re also common in a multitude of industrial applications, too. You’ll find gearboxes in equipment used for agriculture, manufacturing, processing, oil and gas, distribution systems, warehousing, storage, you name it. Gear reducers, on the other hand, are more specific to situations where higher torque and lower rotational speed are required. Gear reducers are also handy for applications where power needs to be transferred at an alternative angle to the motor, or where the need for being able to change rotational direction exists.
How does a gear reducer work? Like other gearboxes, a gear reducer is a simple-designed machine which transfers power from a motor to a piece of equipment designed for specific applications. But what’s unique about a gear reducer (also known as a speed reducer) is the fact that it’s intended to reduce the speed with which power is transmitted. This enables the output to match whatever speed is needed for the equipment in question to operate optimally. The other important function of a gear reducer is that it’s able to take the torque produced by the power source input and multiply it, thus expanding the measure of usable work. To put it simply, speed reducers use output gears which have more teeth than the input gears. This makes the output gears spin more slowly, while also increasing torque in the process.
What Can Lead to Gear Reducer Failure?
While gear reducers and worm gears are fairly simple in concept, they’re also incredibly powerful in terms of application and practical usage. But the simplicity of design doesn’t mean that gear reducers are foolproof; even the best-made gear reducers can eventually wear down and fail. What are some leading causes of gear reducer failure? In most cases, it often comes down to one of three things: lubrication, alignment, or overload.
Lubrication issues
Proper lubrication is important for both gear and bearing longevity. It’s important to choose the right lubricant for your particular application, and it’s also important to ensure that the right volume of lubricant is being delivered to all your gear system’s moving parts. Both underfilling and overfilling must be avoided, and lubricant levels must be checked and maintained on a regular basis. Contaminant intrusion is another threat to gear reducers too, especially in extreme environments. Both moisture contamination and particulate contamination can more quickly lead to a premature system breakdown.
Alignment problems
Gears are designed with teeth which are intended to mesh with other neighboring gear teeth perfectly. If the gearbox alignment isn’t installed and handled correctly in terms of positioning and sequencing, that can lead to a slew of problems quickly. Even a small misalignment can produce premature gear wear and eventual gear reducer failure.
Overload conditions
Gear reducers are designed to slow down speeds while also increasing torque. However, some equipment users tend to become impatient with the slower-speed design of a gear reducer. Many times we encounter gear reducers which have been pushed to their limits, and beyond. Overloading of your gears and gear reducers will shorten component life, and can even lead to an outright gear or gear reducer breakage. And once a gear reducer experiences a catastrophic failure, repair and service costs tend to become much more expensive as a result.
Proven Gear Reducer Service Process with AES
Got some gear reducers that are in need of repair? You’re in good hands with the expert team at AES; our machine and motor repair technicians are really the best around! Plus, we’ve developed a proven process for accurately repairing and restoring any gear reducer you might send our way:
Send It On!
Pack your gear reducers and gearboxes with foam, bubble wrap, or other protective material, and just send them on to us! Also, please take a moment to jot down any symptoms you’ve been experiencing with your gear reducer or gearbox; that will assist our repair technicians in diagnosing your equipment. But if you honestly don’t know what’s wrong with your equipment, that’s alright – our team can still diagnose it for you!
Shipping Instructions
Ship your equipment to AES at 101 Technology Lane, Mount Airy, NC 27030, with your name, company name, address, phone number, email, and any other contact information you’d like to share. We’ll get the ball rolling with our initial analysis, and then we’ll let you know what we uncover with our troubleshooting!
Equipment Check-in, Evaluation, & Repair Quote
Once your equipment components arrive, we’ll check them in and assign a unique tracking ID for each item. We’ll follow a proven process of troubleshooting and evaluation, and will perform a thorough analysis of your gear reducer. Once that’s done, we’ll generate a complete repair quote detailing exactly what we’ll need to do in order to restore your gearbox to like-new condition!
Personalized Follow-Up
Your individually-assigned Customer Service Representative will connect with you personally; at AES, we just believe that the personal, individual touch is really best for our clients. We’ll let you know that we’ve received your equipment, and we’ll also give you all the details about what we found in our inspection of your equipment, including repair recommendations and cost quotes.
Now It’s Go Time!
After you approve our repair service quote, we’ll put your gear reducer right on our technicians’ repair schedule! We follow a very thorough strategy for gear reducer repairs and service, including breaking everything down and inspecting each individual component. We’ll repair, replace, or rebuild any items which require attention, and we also have the ability to reverse engineer any necessary parts, as well. Once everything is put back together, we’ll conduct full-load testing and balance testing to make sure your equipment is functioning properly. Once repairs and service are complete, we’ll carefully package your item(s) for a safe return, and then we’ll promptly ship it all back to you.
Why You Should Entrust AES with Your Gear Reducer Repair Services
Replacing an entire gear reducer unit or system can get expensive, but thankfully AES offers you an alternate solution which can also save you money. In fact, that’s what we’re about! We’ll provide a better, more ideal, more affordable repair solution to get you back up and running again!
Quality Repairs
At AES, quality is one of our true foundations as a company. We’re committed to providing you with the best possible quality of repair services for each and every item you choose to send our way. We’ve successfully repaired countless numbers of gearboxes, gear reducers, motors, drives, and related system components, and our many satisfied clients can testify that AES is well-suited to take care of your equipment repair needs, too.
Fast Turnaround
Obviously, you’d prefer to have your repairs completed NOW; we understand that! But breaking down a gear reducer system and delivering the service and attention it needs will take a certain amount of time and effort. But don’t worry, our trained & skilled team has all the knowledge, tools, and experience needed to get everything done for you both correctly AND efficiently! Our standard turnaround time is 8-10 business days for most projects, but you can also opt to place a RUSH on your order if your timetable requires it. We’ll work hard to meet your expectations!
Experienced Repair Technicians
Gear reducer repair isn’t just a “side gig” for us at AES; in fact, we have a whole team of technicians who focus on nothing but gearbox, motor, and drive repair. Plus, our team collectively possesses decades of combined experience, so it’s fair to say that we really do know what we’re doing! We also offer regular, ongoing training for our team members, in order to ensure that we’ll always be in a great position to take care of your repair needs in the future, too.
A More Cost-Effective Solution
Repair and service solutions done right are almost always a better solution than a full replacement when it comes to vital industrial equipment. We can service and restore your gear reducers for LESS, and we’ll return them to you in like-new (or better) condition, too. Our clients really appreciate how AES comes alongside to meet all their equipment repair needs, while also saving them significant time, money, and needless headaches in the process!
Industry’s Best Warranty!
And don’t miss this game-changing fact about partnering with AES. All repair providers will undoubtedly assure you that you can trust their work, but most providers won’t also take the necessary step to actually stand behind their workmanship. At AES, we believe the quality of our work speaks for itself, and we provide a 24-Month Limited Warranty for ALL REPAIRS! If a problem should arise within that time frame, which is deemed to be a repair workmanship issue, we’ll provide a follow-up repair service for you at NO additional charge! Talk about a service you can really trust!
Connect with AES for Your Gear Reducer Repair Service Needs
Ready to get your gear reducer back online, so your industrial equipment can continue to deliver for you the way you need it to? We can take care of that, and more; AES has you covered! Reach out today at (866) 386-1001, and let us provide you with your perfect repair solution! We’re standing by to help!